• Yes! We’ll keep your dog on the leash and steer them where I need them to be to capture great photos. If they don’t sit on cue, it doesn’t matter! We’ll get photos of them doing whatever they do at the time. Standing or active photos are great too! They often relax after a while and end up sitting, (unless they’re a greyhound!) so we’ll allow plenty of time for them to find their groove.

  • Yes! I’ll show you how to hold the leash and where to stand so I can get beautiful photos and be able to edit out you and the leash.

  • Generally, the natural light during golden hour is a photographer’s first choice for capturing beautiful photos. Golden hour is approximately the first hour after sunrise and the last hour before sunset. The light is usually ‘soft’ and comes from a lower angle, it has a golden glow and just looks great.

    The natural light in the middle of the day is generally ‘hard’ and comes from an angle high above, which creates shadows that can be harsh. A cloudy, overcast sky can help to minimise the harshness but it’s not ideal to plan a photo shoot during the middle of the day.

    The location usually depicts when to plan the shoot, as some locations are better suited to the morning or the evening. This can be due to a number of factors such as the aspect, the weather patterns and how busy or crowded it’s likely to be.

    I will negotiate a suitable time and location with you, to suit your needs and be able to capture great images.

  • No collar or harness is ideal, but if needing to keep a leash on, a collar is ok. I recommend you get a nice new fresh-looking collar to look great in the photos.

    Harnesses need to be taken off unless you want them to appear in the final images. I do not recommend keeping harnesses on.

  • This is entirely up to you! If you do, make sure you book the grooming ahead of time to ensure you are happy with their coat by the time the photo shoot day arrives.

    I recommend making sure the hair around their eyes is trimmed so their eyes are clearly visible in the photos. Also, clean any tear stains or other distracting marks right before the photo shoot.

  • My pricing is divided into services and products:

    Please go to the Home page to see the Services Price Guide.

    Please go to the Products & Price Guide page for examples and starting prices of various products.

    Basically, the photo shoot has a fee due before confirming your booking and then you pay per product you order when you view your gallery of images.

    You’ll be informed when you enquire how much a travel fee will be, if applicable, for any photo shoot locations you choose out of my area.

    You’re responsible for organising and paying any entry or permit fees for all people (including the photographer) and pets involved, if applicable, for private or iconic photo shoot locations.

    Finally, if you’d like to take up the option of having your purchased wall art installed in your home for you, there’s a delivery and hanging fee.

  • If you need to reschedule or cancel your booked photo shoot, you need to notify Central Coast Pet Photography more than 24 hours ahead of the confirmed photo shoot time, or your full photo shoot fee will be forfeited.

    No-shows/non-attendance at the scheduled photo shoot will forfeit their full booking fee.

    I understand life happens sometimes, such as sickness and accidents. If you can’t make it to your photo shoot at short notice due to circumstances out of your control, I will work with you to schedule a new photo shoot booking.

    If needing to reschedule (after giving me more than 24 hrs notice or when circumstances out of your control occur) and we can’t find a new date and time suitable for both of us, I will refund your photo shoot reservation fee.

  • Wall art products are those that you can hang on the wall to display your images. I offer classic framed prints, canvases and acrylics in my range of wall art products. They’ll last a lifetime and let you see your images every day on the walls of your home!

    My wall art products are tangible items that are printed with high-quality inks and mediums at professional photo-printing and framing businesses. They’re guaranteed to last into next century with accurate colours. The quality compared to what’s available at department stores will become evident over time.

  • I include a complimentary low resolution file that you can share online for any of the printed images you purchase. I also sell low resolution files for when you don’t purchase the matching printed product.

    There are a few reasons I don’t offer high resolution digital files for printing:

    I offer a full service and encourage you to purchase printed products as they are something you can see and enjoy every day for a long time into the future.

    Printing can be complicated! Ensuring you get high quality finished products is something I’m proud of.

    Let’s be honest, digital photos usually end up gathering digital dust on your storage device with your 99,000 other files, never to be seen again after the initial excitement of the first week or two.

    Digital files are prone to becoming corrupt over time and as technology evolves, digital files become obsolete. When was the last time you tried to open a photo you took from 2005 or even 2010? It probably looks low in quality and has small dimensions compared to today’s files…that’s if you can find it!

  • I include a complimentary low resolution file that you can share online for any of the printed images you purchase. You can also purchase low res images if you don’t buy the printed product.

    You can use the digital images for yourself, such as on social media or in your home, but you can’t use them for a business, marketing, sell them or make money from them in any way.

    If you own a business, for example, and would like to use your images to promote your business, a commercial licence can be quoted for that specific use and a timeframe.

  • I offer a full service, from the creation of your images through to hanging the finished product on your wall.

    I’ll arrange to meet with you about a week or two after your pet’s photo shoot at a suitable location - either your home or a local cafe. We just need space to be able to sit in front of my screen to see all your images and select your favourites.

    I take you through an ordering appointment to help you choose your images and which printed products are suitable for your home. This takes away any confusion or doubt you might have about types and sizes of prints and products.

  • Whether you’re busy and short on time or just no good with tools and measurements, I offer a service to come to your home and hang your wall art for you. No more putting it off until tomorrow! Leave the working out where to put it, what type of hook to use and hoping you’ve done it right to me. All you have to do is admire your pet’s images!

  • Central Coast Pet Photography owns the photos that are taken.

    When you purchase a digital or physical product of the photo, you are granted a licence to use that photo, but only in certain ways.

    Part of your agreement with Central Coast Pet Photography is that we can use the images however we like, such as in advertisements or samples to show clients.

  • There’s a few general business legal documents you should know about:

    • Privacy policy

    • Website Terms of Use

    • Terms and Conditions

    These can be found by clicking the blue button at the bottom of the page.

    Please don’t be scared off by these legal docs, they’re fairly standard practice, and please don’t hesitate to contact me if you need clarification or aren’t sure of anything.