What can a professional pet photographer do that you can’t?

Capturing your pet in beautiful light and locations is something a professional pet photographer can do for you

Most people capture images every day using their phone, managing to accumulate thousands of photos of their loved ones. Unfortunately, you can’t always capture the perfect moment due to restrictions in what the phone’s technology can achieve, or maybe you’re just not sure what goes into capturing the perfect shot. This is where a professional pet photographer can help you.

There are a number of reasons engaging a professional pet photographer will be of benefit to you:

  1. Trying to get your pet to sit or stand where you want them and operate the camera at the same time is quite challenging. This is even true for myself - trying to get photos of my dog, Leo, is frustrating, at best. Usually, as soon as I try to get the shot he comes over to me for a pat!

  2. This one is pretty obvious - getting a photo of you and your pet is pretty hard when you’re trying to take the photo yourself! Allow me!

  3. A professional will have cameras and lenses that can capture action, creamy backgrounds and sharp subjects with brilliant details such as in the hair and shadows. The details captured by the latest camera technology in high quality file formats allows beautiful prints to be created, up to very large sizes.

  4. Even with a fantastic camera, a photographer needs to understand how to find beautiful light and locations. This is what might be considered the x-factor and what you’re missing in your own images. A professional has a keen eye for finding these beautiful locations and lighting.

  5. A professional will use editing software to remove distracting elements such as the dog’s leash and to make sure the colours and printed products look real to life.

It takes time to gain the skills, knowledge and experience that ensures you get fantastic images. The camera equipment and editing skills are also important contributing factors to being able to achieve the high quality of professional images. Engaging a professional pet photographer will provide you with next-level images that you’ll keep forever.

If you’re interested in creating some beautiful printed images of your pet, please get in touch and we can plan a customised photo shoot to suit you and your pet.


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