Central Coast Pet Photography

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Printed products v Digital files

When thinking about booking a pet photography shoot, you’ll need to consider what to do with the images captured. We’re so used to seeing images on screens and sharing photos over social media, it may seem uncommon, or you may not even consider, printing your images. I love printed images and the photography service I offer is based around printing the images we create. These are the reasons why I don’t focus on digital files:

  1. Wall art makes your house a home. Imagine your walls having personalised photos that make your home unique and show off your connection to your pet. Showcasing your wall art enables you to see it every day in your home.

  2. Sitting down to look at an album is much more interactive and memorable than a screen. I know I can still remember particular photos I looked at in an album when I was a child, whereas, all the photos I see online aren’t as memorable. There’s something about looking and touching an album that connects you to the image long-term.

  3. The quality of my printed products is top-notch and also supports Australian businesses. Printed products will outlive you and are tangible items that can be handed onto family and friends.

  4. Digital files will be looked at in the first week or so, then will most likely gather digital dust on your computer or a usb stick in your drawer.

  5. Digital files will eventually be lost and forgotten, either to digital corruption, physically losing the USB, the computer ‘dying’ or the file being one of many in amongst all your other files.

  6. Digital file quality seems good now, but we also thought it was good in 2010 - there’s a huge difference. Imagine what today’s files will look like in a decade’s time. Screens are getting higher in resolution, which means images take up less area on the screen than they used to. (1080 pixels across the screen used to be the full screen, but now 4k, 5k, even 8k screens means that 1080 pixel image only reaches a small section across the screen.)

  7. Do you really need 50 digital photos that are essentially the same? Treat yourself to a smaller handful of selected favourites, edited to look amazing and printed in beautiful finishes to display in your home.

If you’re interested in creating some beautiful printed images of your pet, please get in touch and we can plan a customised photo shoot to suit you, your pet and your home.